Digital Insider KU - Digital Challenges and Solutions in the Energy Sector

DigitalLead, The University of Copenhagen and Energy Cluster Denmark invite you to this half day of talks, case presentations and networking, where you can:

  • Learn about new trends, challenges and digital solutions in the Energy Sector presented by leading researchers and innovative companies/utilities
  • Discuss current ideas and problems with researchers and companies after the talks
  • Bring along your own project ideas and share them with the presenters
  • Get new collaboration partners for your project.

We will be serving lunch and facilitating a subesquent networking session, where you can talk to researchers and companies as well as representatives of the industry clusters and and funding experts.

Confirmed speakers:

The program and list of speakers will be currently updated.


1) Using VR/AR/HCI/Smart Technologies
How to optimize training, monitoring, and business processes in utilities and other organizations, primarily in the energy sector.

2) Digital Approaches for the Management of Energy Data
How to apply AI/ML/HPC to promote flexibility in supply; sector coupling and digital solutions needed to reach the climate targets

Del på LinkedIn
22. april 2022
Kl. 10:00 - 14:00


Alle priser er DKK og ekskl. moms
Københavns Universitet, Datalogisk Institut Universitetsparken 1, 2100 Kbh. Ø, Room 4-0-17 Ground Floor
Tilmeldingsfristen er desværre overskredet. Kontakt DigitalLead for tilmelding.


19. april 2022 kl. 23:00




19. april 2022 kl. 23:00


  • DigitalLead
  • Energy Cluster Denmark
  • KU - Københavns Universitet
Energy Cluster Denmark
KU - Københavns Universitet
KU - Københavns Universitet

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