Israeli Survival Toolbox - Startup Course

33 unicorns and $25b startup funding. Israeli tech sector set new records in 2021. While startups around the world su­ffer through these unprecedented times due to COVID, supply chain failures and geopolitical conflicts, Israeli startups are thriving.

The Innovation Centre in Tel Aviv created a highly concise and practical 1-day course allowing a deep dive into how Israeli start-ups do it right. We aim to give startups new tools to be more resilient when crises hit and inspire them to apply Israel’s startup methodologies. There will be practical c exercises that will help improve the resiliency of your start-up through speedy validation processes and enable you to go global. The course is free of charge and sponsored by Industriens Fond.

Session #0: Startup Presentation. What is your business model?

Session #1: Gearing Up with 'Armor' for the startup Journey?

Learning outcomes: create a structured process to on-board co-founders. Build your network CRM and network goals.

Session #2: Velocity as a Perpetual Vaccine to a Crisis

Learning outcomes: Internalize the importance of speed and velocity as core values in building a startup. Master the 'Risky Assumptions'.

Session #3: Readjusting Strategy for Drastic Market Changes

Learning outcomes: Internalize the importance of KPI’s from day 1.

Session #4: Venture Capital Funding in Uncertain times

Learning outcomes: Why Israeli startups chose VC’s. Israeli pitching techniques.

Session #5: Pitching Session Learning outcomes: Get Israeli inputs to your pitch.

The toolbox is empowered by: DigitalLead, The Regional Business Hubs, DTU Skylab, CBS Start-up, AAU SEA, ITU Business, #AARSOME, Danish Startup Group, Startup Central, Alfa Laval Innovation House, SDU Cortex, Symbion and Talentgarden.

Del på LinkedIn
23. juni 2022
Kl. 09:00 - 17:00


Alle priser er DKK og ekskl. moms
AI Innovation House Lysholt Allé 3 7100 Vejle
Tilmeldingsfristen er desværre overskredet. Kontakt DigitalLead for tilmelding.


20. juni 2022 kl. 00:00




  • DigitalLead
  • DLTA
  • Industriens Fond
  • Innovation Centre Denmark
Industriens Fond
Industriens Fond
Danish Centre for AI Innovation A/S
Innovation Centre Denmark Tel Aviv

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