Are you a company working within cyber security and willing to expand your business to France, Italy, and Spain? Join this webinar on January 11 from 13:00-14:30 to hear more on how to untap business opportunities in South-Europe.
In today’s world, both organizations and citizens face a high risk of exposure to cyber-attacks. This makes co-operation across borders on cyber security more important than ever.
Therefore, the Trade Council in France, Italy, and Spain are inviting you to a webinar on cyber security to learn more about existing and upcoming opportunities in our three countries.
The webinar will take place on January 11., 2024, from 13:00 -14:30, and it is organized in collaboration with DigitalLead and the Danish Chamber of Commerce.
During the webinar, we will focus on the cyber landscape in France, Italy, and Spain, with the aim of providing Danish companies with an overview of the business opportunities in the three countries. The webinar will introduce the upcoming cross-country delegation of high-level key decision-makers which will take place in Copenhagen on February 8h and 9th
Co-funded by Industriens Fond
13.00 Welcome by DigitalLead
13.05 What is TC and what we do - by Trade Council
13.20 Market Insides France, Italy, and Spain by José Antonio Cano, Research Director IDC
14.00 Presentation of delegation to Denmark by Berit Frederiksen Leloup, TC France
14.10 Q&A
14.15 End of webinar