Autonomous Robot Vehicles on the Road : Current State in Denmark

From being a hyped future technology, autonomous vehicles have now started to appear in real life in society around us. 

In this webinar, we update you on the current state of autonomous vehicles in Denmark, including:

  • The development from basic research to commercial deployment
  • Future development - a cooperation between researchers and private companies
  • What is Denmark’s role/strengths in this ecosystem? (Hint:  Cooperation between academia, vehicle vendors and operators!)



Welcome w/ RoboCluster

Research towards advanced Autonomous Systems w/ Lazaros Nalpantidis, DTU

In this talk, Lazaros will discuss what defines an Autonomous System and how research can pave the way towards Autonomous Systems. 

He will argue that robust perception is a key element to this direction and that the way to achieve it is through the incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques for adapting and coping with un-foreseen situations.

Finally, Lazaros will conclude with concrete examples from ongoing research projects at DTU where autonomous operation has been established on the basis of learning-based perception mechanisms.

Key differences between indoor and outdoor mobile robots and autonomous cars w/ Kasper Jeppesen, Danish Technological Institute

In this talk, Kasper will highlight some of the technical differences between different types indoor and outdoor mobile robots and how they relate to and differ from autonomous cars. This includes topics such as safety, sensors, environments and technologies to enable autonomy.


Selvkørende enheder i trafikken - advokatens syn på lovforslaget w/ Robert Jønsson, Synch Law

Oplægget fokuserer på gennemgang af en række juridiske vilkår for forsøgsordningen i forhold til: krav til området, krav til den selvkørende enhed (herunder i forhold til GDPR), og krav til ”føreren” - altså kontrolpersonen. Derudover skal vi se på nogle ansvarsmæssige problemstillinger. Ideen er, at deltagerne får konkrete input/forslag til overvejelser.

Production of mobile robots that can operate outdoors in collaboration with people w/ Niels Jul Jacobsen, Capra Robotics 

At Capra Robotics we are producing a new generation of agile mobile robots that can operate in the outdoor environment.

In this talk, Niels will present the ideas behind Capra’s new mobile robot, where he sees the robot's first deployment and some comments on the new test legislation for using mobile robots outdoors.

Tekniske (og juridiske) problemstillinger ved overholdelse af lovgivningen w/ Mads Bendt, Capra Robotics

Real-life experience from operating autonomous vehicles in Scandinavia w/ Christian Bering, Holo

Holo is an operator of autonomous vehicles across Scandinavia, on the ground and in the air. Holo has extensive experience with the vehicles in real-life situations.

Christian Bering will present Holo, the company’s current work with operating autonomous vehicles and discuss what it takes to advance to the next level of maturity for the technology. He will also talk about current legislation and how it influences Holo's work.


Outdoor mobile robots in the context of agriculture and urban turf care w/Dennis Snitgaard and Tom Simonsen, Conpleks

Conpleks has over the last decade developed and actively participated in research on mobile outdoor robots in the fields of sport, turf care and agricultural applications.

With the proposed legislation for trial deployments of mobile robots operating in areas with public access as a starting point, Tom and Dennis will provide insight into scenarios within agriculture and urban turf care in which outdoor mobile robots also will interact with people and need awareness of mobile and static obstacles and related safety challenges.


Opportunities and uses for a general AI platform in the area of outdoor mobile robotics w/ Jens Skoustrup-Jacobsen, Desupervised

Desupervised specialises in artificial intelligence and provides AIaaS (AI as a Service). Jens will talk about possible uses of this technology in the emerging area of outdoor mobile robots and in the context of the upcoming legislation changes.

Q&A and networking

Thanks and goodbye


Webinar ends

RoboClusters is supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and by the Growth Forum of Southern Denmark.

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25. november 2020
Kl. 09:00 - 12:00


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24. november 2020 kl. 00:00




    Teknologisk Institut


    Lazaros Nalpantidis is an Associate Professor of cognitive robotics in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), performing research and teaching in the broad field of Autonomous Systems.

    Niels Jul Jacobsen
    has been working with robots for more than 30 years and has helped build the robotics community around Odense. He is the founder of MiR, and is since August this year CEO of Capra Robotics, a new robotic company located just south of Aarhus.

    LinkedIn logo Christian Bering

    Christian Bering

    CEO at Holo
    LinkedIn logo Dennis Snitgaard

    Dennis Snitgaard

    Sales & Business Development Manager, Conpleks
    LinkedIn logo Jens Skoustrup-Jacobsen

    Jens Skoustrup-Jacobsen

    Co-founder & COO, Desupervised
    LinkedIn logo Kasper Jeppesen

    Kasper Jeppesen

    Konsulent, Robotteknologi, Teknologisk Institut
    LinkedIn logo Lazaros Nalpantidis

    Lazaros Nalpantidis

    Associate Professor of Robotics, DTU
    LinkedIn logo Mads Bendt

    Mads Bendt

    CTO, Capra Robtics
    LinkedIn logo Niels Jul Jacobsen

    Niels Jul Jacobsen

    CEO at Capra Robotics ApS
    LinkedIn logo Robert Jønsson

    Robert Jønsson

    Advokat, Synch Law
    LinkedIn logo Tom Simonsen

    Tom Simonsen

    Managing Director, Conpleks

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