Tech Trends 2021: IoT Technologies

Are you ready for one of the major tech trends of 2021 - IoT? Or already working with or developing IoT solutions but want insight into the latest advances within technology and application? Then join us for this IoT tech day where we offer you the latest knowledge from Danish IoT companies and researchers at AAU.

The number of IoT products worldwide has long since passed 100 billion - and thousands are added every day. The products vary and are applied in a wide range of contexts, because any unit that gathers and communicates data (buildings, household appliances, etc.) can be defined as an IoT product.

In 2021, Forrester predicts demand for new internet-of-things (IoT) applications, technologies, and solutions will be driven by connected healthcare, smart offices, remote asset monitoring, and location services, all powered by a growing diversity of networking technologies. At the same time, spending on IoT technologies is expected to increase rapidly, following a slow 2020 due to COVID-19. 

During this Tech Trends 2021 session, we offer you a series of insights from leading companies and researchers, covering topics such as:

  • 5G
  • Security
  • Predictive maintenance measures
  • Cloudification
  • Deployment
  • Testing
  • Space-based IoT
  • and more.



w/ Michael Brogaard Jensen, Co-founder, CEO, Vimento

E.T. calling from space - Space-based IoT

w/ Per Koch, Business Development Manager, GateHouse

Space-based IoT is accelerating and expects an annual growth of about 20%. Proprietary solutions have dominated the market, but with the increasing focus from 3GPP on standardization, the future of space-based IoT can easily be cellular. However, this is related to challenges in many aspects. 

This presentation will provide highlights on the potential for space-based IoT, the challenges to get there and how GateHouse addresses these.

2021 - The turning point for IoT investments

w/ Jane Rygaard, Head of Dedicated Wireless Networks Product Management, Nokia

Back in the 1990s, the majority of ICT investment went into digital industries, boosting productivity and profits. Over the coming decade, ICT spend is projected to grow around 6.5 percent annually and be weighted significantly towards physical industries. This increased investment will facilitate the digitalization of these physical industries, including farming, manufacturing and healthcare.

Digitalization relies on the right data at the right time, provided by IoT solutions, for example to build digital twins and optimize business processes. Data and connectivity requirements in these physical industries include latency and reliability down to the sixth decimal point, enabling sensors everywhere, collecting real-time data, software and analytics to crunch that data and machine learning to ensure a continually improving process. 5G and Edge Cloud are now providing us with technology at the connectivity layer for meeting critical network requirements and enabling the wider IoT and digitalization solutions.

2021 is the year where steep digitalization learning curves from 2020 will merge with investments into IoT and 5G to empower the future growth in physical industries.

Split into rooms - please indicate at registration which room you wish to attend

Room 1: Research & infrastructure

IoT connectivity - a cellular MNO perspective 

w/ Brian Jørgensen, Telenor

How does a mobile network operator like Telenor fit into the IoT value chain, and how does it contribute to the general ecosystem? 

Join this session to get insights into how Telenor will address the expectations from the IoT market in terms of connectivity products, radio technologies as well as IoT-relevant services and functionalities such as eSIM, power management, security, roaming and location services.

Real-time industrial IoT with 5G

w/ Preben Mogensen, Professor, Aalborg University

This presentation will provide insight in the potentials of 5G technology and a brief overview of the facilities in the “5G Smart Production Lab" at Aalborg University, where interesting new technologies such as 5G, WiFi 6 a.o. have been installed.

We also have mobile robots and wirelessly controlled I4.0 production equipment. The lab offers industry the opportunity to test the potentials and challenges of 5G technology. What is your 5G use case?

IoT - Understanding the risks

w/ Jens Myrup Pedersen, Professor, Aalborg University

To understand how we protect IoT devices against cyber attacks, we first take the hacker's perspective and try to understand both underlying motivations and common attack vectors. Based on this, we move on to discuss how we can minimise both risks and consequences of attacks towards IoT devices throughout their lifecycles - from design to deployment and maintenance.

Cyber security standards – an overview of the European and International initiatives

w/ Kim Skov Hilding, Senior Consultant, Danish Standards

Focus on cyber security is increasing and is also reflected in the development of European and international standards on cyber security. Danish Standards has a Danish committee actively taking part in the development of these standards. 

Join this session to get an overview of some of the most relevant standards on cyber security and get an update on some of the new standards in the pipeline.

Room 2: IoT makers & testing

Succeeding with IoT

w/ Morten Wagner, Force Technology

For companies about to embark on the development of a new IoT product or IoT-based service, FORCE has developed a set of indicators of product complexity and organizational maturity that helps estimate the risk and plan implementation. 

Learn about this new tool and hear about the IoT Ecosystem as well as the Nordic IoT Centre, organized by FORCE Technology and the Alexandra Institute.

Key test performance challenges in IoT device testing - True stories from IoT device makers

w/ Tomas Rønberg, European Marketing Manager, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

What are the main key IoT testing concerns in the industry?
Why is a testing strategy from early prototyping so important?
We will have a look at a number of IoT device maker cases, from identification of performance issues to implementing a test strategy.

Development of an IoT device

w/Mogens Durup Nielsen, Director Business Development and Sales, Xtel Wireless

See and hear how the complete development process of the IoT device “RoboFit” came to life, including how the product was changed over time, how the business model was designed and changed, and how the product was finalized.

The largest IoT network in Denmark
w/ Freddy Sørensen, CEO and Founder, Saphe

How can 600,000 drivers create a large IoT network?

Joint Q&A session


Closing remarks

Who should attend?

This event is spot-on for you if your job title is:

  • Electronic Design Engineer - involved in design, development and production of electronic products
  • Signal Integrity Engineer - focusing on circuit performance and testing of signal qualities
  • Product Planner - wishing to know more about where they can reduce time or increase the efficiency of time to the IoT market
  • Technical staff - wishing to know more about IoT-related technical issues
  • Technical Managers - needing to keep up-to-date in this fast evolving vertical technology

... or if you are otherwise interested in the technical aspects of IoT!

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20. januar 2021
Kl. 09:00 - 11:30


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19. januar 2021 kl. 00:00




19. januar 2021 kl. 00:00


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LinkedIn logo Brian Jørgensen

Brian Jørgensen

Senior Manager, Telenor
Telenor A/S
LinkedIn logo Freddy Sørensen

Freddy Sørensen

CEO and Founder, Saphe
Saphe A/S
LinkedIn logo Jane Rygaard

Jane Rygaard

Formand for DigitalLeads bestyrelse & Head of Dedicated Wireless Networks
Nokia Denmark A/S
LinkedIn logo Jens Myrup Pedersen

Jens Myrup Pedersen

Professor, Aalborg Universitet
AAU - Aalborg Universitet
LinkedIn logo Kim Skov Hilding

Kim Skov Hilding

Senior Consultant, Danish Standard
Fonden Dansk Standard
LinkedIn logo Michael Brogaard Jensen

Michael Brogaard Jensen

Co-Founder & CEO,Vimento
LinkedIn logo Mogens Durup Nielsen

Mogens Durup Nielsen

Director Business Development and Sales, Xtel Wireless
LinkedIn logo Morten Wagner

Morten Wagner

Head of Department, IdemoLab, FORCE Technology
Trifork A/S
LinkedIn logo Per Koch

Per Koch

Business Development Manager, GateHouse
Gatehouse Satcom A/S
LinkedIn logo Preben Mogensen

Preben Mogensen

Principal Scientist, Nokia Bell Labs & Professor, Aalborg University
AAU - Aalborg Universitet
LinkedIn logo Tomas Rønberg

Tomas Rønberg

European Marketing Manager, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Rohde & Schwarz Technology Center A/S

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